Monti Cecubi

It is the land that tells our story.

Monti Cecubi

È la terra che racconta la nostra storia.

Our history

Monti Cecubi Agricultural Company is located in Itri, on the hills overlooking the sea of Sperlonga, the land of origin of the ancient Cecubo wine, a tradition dating back to the era of Republican Rome.

There are numerous testimonies from Latin poets on the production of this historic wine, whose organoleptic qualities are praised, identifying its precise location between Fondi, Itri and Sperlonga.

Orazio, in the second ode, recalls that the Cecubi wines were hidden, like a precious commodity under a hundred keys and were even superior to those offered in the opulent banquets of the popes. Plinio il Vecchio indicated Cecubo as the first in a ranking of the best wines of our lands, between the hills of Fondi and those of Formia. Columella then, in De Re Rustica, identified the production site of the best wine of the Roman Empire on the hills above Sperlunca, today Sperlonga.

Now Cecubo wine has returned to our lands thanks to the rediscovery of organic viticulture in this fertile territory also rich in natural beauty.

The Cecubi Mountains are located among cork forests on the hills that jut out from the coast of Sperlonga. The composition of the soil, the exposure, the influence of the sea, the temperature range, provide our vineyards with the ability to produce intense, fresh and long-lived wines, as unique as the tradition of ancient wine.